Friday, July 10, 2009

Detroit Pistons newest coach John Kuester by Joe Dumars

So much to to say. So little time. If you're John Kuester though, you do have time.

As if 6 coaches in 10 years, wasn't enough, Joe Dumars has now changed his stance and brought someone in who he thinks has time on his side. At the press conference to announce the Pistons new coach (which seems to be a regularly scheduled event for him), Joe D. proclaimed "Our thing right now is to get headed in the right direction....we're going through a transition period right now"

Translation: Can you say rebuilding year next year Pistons fans?

Joe D then confirmed it by digging deep into the abyss of coaching candidates and plucked Kuester. I think a post I read on Yahoo a couple days ago summed it best. It said, "Who?" That's what i'd like to know too, is who is Kuester? Oh yeah, he's joe d's THIRD choice for coaching candidates and is the guy who is going to head them in "the right direction" What direction is that Joe? The 2010 Draft Lottery?

What I am basically likening this to is when Lions owner you-know-who bypassed other candidates for GM and basically promoted 2 no names from w/ in. Why? because after the Millen severance, he couldn't afford any high priced talent. So now Joe D. figures the same thing. Since we can't afford to bring in a proven coach, Joe went and scooped up the only thing the Pistons purse could afford.

So now Dumars has declared this a non-championship-contending campaign, he has basically planted his tenure in place, because now ownership has been informed in advance of what the expectations are. Promise mediocrity then deliver mediocrity and, in the current ownership's eyes, that'll probably be good enough.


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