Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ernie Harwell Passes Away at age 92

Life has a funny way of putting things into perspective and last night was certainly one of those moments. The passing of such an iconic figure not only in Detroit sports but to legions of Baseball fans across this great nation certainly does just that. Today the sadness or fond memories being recalled or the happiness of our youth has nothing to do with the scores from last night but all about Ernie Harwell leaving us late yesterday evening.

The man from Georgia with that Southern drawl enlightened generations of baseball fans and stories of his kindness to each and everyone that met him are truly inspiring.

I can imagine that I am amongst the 1000's in the blogosphere all writing about this same topic and here is just one link from the "National" perspective that I have read today from across the board whether it is from radio, print media, or the internet.

Ernie Harwell

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